Published on February 2, 2005 By GAMPDesigns In Websites

My site now open for all that like my stuff and or want to see other things i create or can my premium suites now up and yahoo! skins that are hard to find over the net....enjoy and request anything you would like...


Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 02, 2005
Looks nice but the links are all broken and the pictures of your stuff are just red x's
on Feb 02, 2005
on Feb 02, 2005
on Feb 02, 2005
Looks like there will be a lot of stuff, but I'm not seeing anything.
on Feb 04, 2005
i dont understand.....when i view it its fine...all my links come up everytime...nuthing is both IE and Netscape....all idk...o well
on Feb 04, 2005

Most of the images are busted because you're deep-linking them from the Deviantart site

Would be more appropreate to store them locally - aka on the same server as your html pages

on Feb 04, 2005
I just get "file not found" when I click the links.
on Feb 05, 2005
The images in the Featured Skin section link to also. I don't know if that's where the site is hosted, but I'd follow Snowman's advice with all images. The only images that I see are the ones actually hosted by you.
on Feb 05, 2005
Is Super Mario Sunshine (Public Domain)?
Or did they hire you to make this?
I don't see any credit going to anyone but you.

Have you seen Pixtudio's Super Mario Sunshine?
on Feb 05, 2005
The images for the look & feel of the site look nice, however the vast majority of images in the various areas of the site fail to load (*just a note I'm using Firefox 1.0 under Win XP Pro)
on Feb 05, 2005

they didnt hire me....most images i made...there is credit to them in the file...not on the screen shot....the skins have links to thier site....and there is no mario sunshine on pixtudios no i didnt c it...but o well...this one is mine and people like it...
on Feb 05, 2005
I think maybe someone needs to point out to this good lad what "ripping" means...

Unless I am misunderstanding something??
on Feb 06, 2005
*Skinner kona0197*

You are misunderstanding seomthing....ripping is taking other images from someone and making something out of them for your self with out getting permission to use the images or giving credit to them......all images in the skin i remade....there is nuthing in there that is done by nintendo except the images with mario and yoshi....and in the file i am giving credit to nintendo for the i am not ripping nuthing....i give credit to the people that made the image i used....and credit to me for remaking all the images and making the how can you skinners sit here and judge that i am not giving credit to no one when u dont even have the file yet to see for your self who im giving credit too? isnt that assuming when u dont know the facts? But anyways...again...there is no ripping in my images...just remaking and giving dredit....but i posted this to advertise my site...not to get crtisism on someting i made that no one else did....there are othere places out there with desktop themes that make themes from everymovie and everygame that has been one is doing nuthing for usingimages and y worry about me?.....u dont have to im not ripping noone... so i guess just 4 get that i even posted somehting in here...since people wanna critisize when they know nothing about wut i have done.
on Feb 06, 2005
Have you seen Pixtudio's Super Mario Sunshine?

Some people CAN'T get Super Mario Sunshine from Pixtudio cuz some of us don't live in Europe.

there are othere places out there with desktop themes that make themes from everymovie and everygame that has been made

This is sooooooooo true. Why the fuss?

For this SMS Fludd is $14. Everybody CAN get it.

Guess I said enough.
on Feb 06, 2005
*Mrs Chickie*

Thanks Mrs Chickie i think you said it all
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