Published on January 4, 2005 By GAMPDesigns In WinCustomize Site Issues
Is there a limit on to how big a file can be to upload?
on Jan 04, 2005
Not that I know of...but you may want to take into account that alot of people are on dialup and downloading a very large file can be very, very slow
on Jan 04, 2005
WOM wouldn't download anything over a meg when he was on dialup.
on Jan 04, 2005
aufisch wouldn't be able to download any of the Icon Packages and half of the Windowblinds if she would follow WOM's "rule of thumb"

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Jan 04, 2005
Yes there are max file sizes.  I believe it is 15MB's for Citizens and 30MB's for Subscribers and Apprentices on up.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Jan 04, 2005
then that would explaoin y my 20 mb screensaver wouldnt upload.....but that still leaves y the 10mb one wouldnt upload