Is there anyway i can find the older version of LogonStudio to where i can make the sign in box in the middle kinda like the argos and aquarium suite have?

the new logonstudio dont do that and i think thats kinda neat but cant seem how to do it unless i do it manually by copying a folder that already has it done...but i know theres an easier way

is there any way possible i could get this version of logonstudio?  right now i have 1.0.64 i need the older version

on Apr 16, 2007
Logon Studio has never been able to create the center panel or "splash" type of logon.

They are created with a totally different set of files, creating the logon graphics in Photoshop or something similar, and change fonts, font colors, and positioning of the logon elements in the uifile and theme.ini.

They can't be created or edited in Logon Studio. LS is only used to apply them.